The Photography Show 2016
My wife Rachel and I spent yesterday at The Photography Show. We had a great time and learned a lot from a range of speakers.
The big draw for me was a talk by Scott Kelby on the SuperStage about The stuff they don’t tell you:
Among the points he made with energy and humour are that only photographers get obsessed about camera settings, cropping and noise. He also made a plea for printing photos. Images on the web are completely ephemeral, buried online within a day by the never-ending avalanche of social updates from other sources. Printed images, however, last up to a century and offer a truly tactile experience. Selling out in advance his very first appearance at the Show shows that Scott has built quite a following here in the UK.
We introduced ourselves to him afterwards; he was very friendly and kindly posed for a photo with us (snapped on my Nexus 6 as a DNG and processed in Lightroom Mobile 🙂 ).
The show itself is bigger than ever. This is Rachel trying out an 800 mm lens on the roof of the Canon stand:
Being able to zoom in and focus clearly on people right down at the other end of the hall is incredible!
We attended a number of talks by other professionals. James Beddoes gave a useful overview of building your brand through social media. In Nice Day for a white wedding, Robert Pugh focused on the importance of consistency in brand experience and shooting wedding photos with the album in mind.
Talking about Fundamental Techniques of Post-Production, acclaimed landscape photographer David Noton showed how he developed his images in Lightroom: he uses the Curves panel in Lightroom to powerful effect.
In the final talk we attended, A Photographer’s Guide to Film-Making, Simeon Quarrie explained how he produced an advert for a luxury car dealership, which had a high-end look for a minimal budget:
Then he got real engagement by using an on-screen mind map to get suggestions from the audience for footage that could be used in a short film about a British hurdler – lacing running shoes, starting blocks, supportive family, close-up on the face – before showing how many of the elements were actually used in the film he shot. His key point was that photographers should just give it a try.
There was, of course, lots to see on the trade stands. Rachel is very taken with the Olympus Pen-F, but that’s probably for another day…
Whatever your level, the show is well worth a visit. Next year’s event will take place on 18 – 21 March 2017. And as they were this year, the crowds will be out in force waiting for it to open!