Skin cancer and sun safety – the book plug
My wife’s third book, Skin Cancer and Sun Safety: the Essential Guide, is published today. It explains in layman’s terms everything you need to know about melanomas, malignant and otherwise. Their incidence is rising more strongly than most other types of tumour, thanks to the fashion for suntans that has prevailed over the past 50 years.
She is a far more prolific and versatile wordsmith than I ever will be; her last book was, of all things, a practical guide to running. I regularly wonder how she does it. Writing any book is a real achievement and I’d like to record my admiration for what she has achieved and encourage anybody remotely interested in the subject to buy the latest book.
There’s a new website to accompany it,, which I had a hand in building. Our thanks go to Mark Porthouse for kindly agreeing to host it.