Fog and the three Cunard Queens
On 10 May three Cunard liners returned to Southampton from round-the-world voyages and set off again that afternoon on shorter cruises. I took my camera to Calshot Castle, at the far end of Southampton Water, to watch them sail past.
First up, however, was the Celebrity Eclipse:
Quite a crowd gathered, as you can see:
Then, to my consternation, a bank of fog rolled in just as the Queen Elizabeth approached:
In fact, the fog intensified the atmosphere. Next came Queen Victoria looming out of the mist:
In fact, the fog intensified the atmosphere:
Next came Queen Victoria looming out of the mist resembling the alien spaceship taking up position over New York in Independence Day:
There were some tantalising bursts of sunshine:
Finally, Queen Mary 2 emerged through the mist:
And this time, the fog parted:
As a parting shot, here’s she is with Queen Victoria in the distance, just about to disappear behind her bows:
It was quite a show. The Cunard cruise fleet might not be the largest , either in number or size of vessel, yet it remains the most aristocratic.